Exterior Cleaning Tips
Check out the most recent articles from Blue Ridge Exterior Cleaning for professional exterior cleaning tips and more from our residential and commercial pressure washing experts.

This fall, set a new trend in your neighborhood by choosing to soft wash your home. Soft washing is a gentle cleaning method that uses low-pressure water combined with a safe chemical mix to clean the exterior of your house. This method is not just for […]

Organize desk drawers by segmenting them with small cardboard boxes. Drop batteries onto your desk from a few inches above to test them. Full batteries will bounce, dead batteries will land like a rock. Keep a lint roller at the office. Keep baby wipes at the […]

Wear loose fitting, lightweight, and light-colored clothing. Drink plenty of water! When you sweat you lose water and electrolytes so stay hydrated and replenish your electrolytes. Apply peppermint or eucalyptus oil to your skin for a cooling sensation. Avoid physical activity or going out during the […]

The best time to water your garden is in the morning! Use white vinegar to kill weeds. Plant lemongrass and catnip to deter mosquitoes. If you’re a cat person you can pick the lemongrass and catnip for them. Pour the water you used to boiled eggs […]

Put ice cubes down the garbage disposal to clean out all the gunk. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and a half cup of water then bring to a boil in the microwave. Allow it to sit for five minutes. It will steam any […]

If you are selling your home, chances are you’re weighing a lot of concerns. When considering pricing your home you’re also likely considering how much you want to put into preparing your home for viewing. You may already have set a budget and a list […]

Remember to check, clean, and replace air filters regularly for better air quality and flow. For exterior light bulbs, put a little Vaseline around the threads so they won’t get stuck. Another use for Vaseline, put a little dab over your keyway before inserting the key. The […]

Here we are once again smack-dab in the middle of the warmer months. The weather's finally nice once more, and you can hardly keep yourself inside. Yes, now more than ever you'll be saying thanks for that beautiful deck in your backyard -- the perfect place […]

With spring just a few short weeks away, many homeowners all over the country are gearing up and getting ready for spring cleaning. While there are certainly a number of things around your home that could use some attention after the beating the winter months inflicted, […]

When the long, cold, and wet winter finally gives way to spring, most homeowners take the opportunity to throw open their homes and begin the process that most of us know as spring cleaning. When most people think of spring cleaning, they think of opening up […]

If you have carpets in your home, you are undoubtedly aware of just how much dirty can be hiding beneath the surface. The same applies to the exterior of your home. The regular algae, dirt and grime that builds up on the exterior of your home […]

As a responsible homeowner, you take pride in keeping your home clean and looking beautiful, and when it comes to your home's exterior, pressure washing has been the go-to method for some time now. That being said, just because it was the standard for a long […]